Moving in new customers

With the risk of covid having dropped rapidly we believe it is now acceptable to move people into houses subject to doing thorough vetting and reference checks. Whilst there is undeniably a risk of moving a new tenant into your home, the risk is signficantly stacked against them as they are one person that will move in with a large group.

However we have to balance people’s dignity, freedom, and liberty against the risk of covid infection. At all times it is paramount to remember that everything we have done, all the pain we have suffered, and all the losses have accumulated (financial and otherwise) have been to reduce the spread of covid to levels that would be manageable by the public health service (The NHS).

It has bought us so much time that we have a glimmer of hope for a vaccine in August, and we have a wealth of articles and research indicating if we practiec some social distancing and wear masks we should be able to open all aspects of the economy. We should be able to restore dignity to those who have lost their jobs, and hope to those who are isolated and lonely.

Kingdom Houses can only move a new tenant into your house if there is a room vacant, and once that room is occupied then no new tenant will move in. So really it is a self-solving problem.

If you are extremely vulnerable (with evidence to prove) please get in touch with us, we will recommend a studio flat to you. As the economy opens up your household is no longer self-isolating and you are at the same risk from your fellow housemates as you would be from a new entrant.