How much loo roll?

How much toilet roll does Kingdom Houses go through in a year? A lot really, around 12 vans full – but how much exactly is that!
Kingodm Houses buys 64 bags of Freedom Vanilla Toilet rolls (Pack of 36 or 40). The loo roll is scented, albeit some tenants have requested unscented version which we buy if it is available. Each month we are buying 2,560 loo rolls and distributing them to the over 34 properties we have (at time of writing). To transport this amount of loo roll is no small feat, it fulls up our biggest van from the front to the bag.
The loo rolls are purchasd from Abra Wholesaler along with other general household stuff like bleach, kitchne cleaner, dishwashing tablets etc. The price of these items is surprisingly high, if bought at retail price, however at large quantity orders for wholesale price there is significant discount. It would cost our customers the same amount of money just to buy the product, not including delivery and administration.
The distribution at current takes two staff members a very very long 12 hour day. They start at 6am heading off to East London to pack up the van (and avoid traffic), and then have to visit all 34 plus properties spread over East, West, and South London. During this once a month visit staff stock up the dishwasher salt, rinse aid, re-supply household materials, drop of toilet paper, remove RTS post, and take gas/electric meter readings.
How much loo roll? 30,720 rolls per year! That is a tonne!
It’s Okay, we do it for the love of pooping! Which our customers seem to really need.