Christmas Competition 2019

Our annual Christmas competition for 2019 saw 8 houses enter. What a great opportunity it was for housemates to band together and have a good meal and a drink, some familiar faces and in fact some winners from previous years. In 2017 there were only 4 entrants and as such we decided to crown them all winners. What happens this year…
This year we couldn’t make everyone a winner, but as usual the prizes are split into categories depending on the number of occupants (size of the house). This is so that smaller houses with perhaps less resources (less individuals contributing to the Christmas day dinner budget) have a reasonable shot at wow’ing us with their photos. The prizes this year are worth £200, £150, or £100 accordingly
Argyle Road, West Ealing
WINNERS of the medium house category because all the people are present and it looks natural, normal, and unstaged.
Creswick Road, West Acton
Freeland Road, Ealing Common
Granville Gardens, Ealing Common
WINNERs of the large house category because we LOVE this card and all the housemates are present.
Loveday Road, Northfields
Rathgar Avenue, South Ealing
Gordon Road, West Ealing
WINNERS of the small house category because we are loving the dress up and cosplay, there was also another really great photo but we didn’t take it into consideration because it was outside a Kingdom Houses.
Ainsdale Road, Hanger Lane